before your lash line enhancement appointment:

  • • Refrain from all medications that cause thinning of the blood at least 72 hours before your appointment. This includes but is not limited to: Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Niacin, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, omega-3 supplements & Ibuprofen. Please consult your physician before stopping any medication.

    • Do not consume coffee or energy drinks 48 hours before your appointment.

    • Refrain from alcohol consumption 48 hours before your appointment.

    • Refrain from suntanning, microdermabrasion, dermaplanning, laser treatment & chemical peels 7-10 days before receiving a cosmetic tattoo.

    • Discontinue the use of lash growth serum for a minimum of 3 months prior to your service. After your lash line enhancement procedure is completed, you should wait 6 weeks to start your serum usage again.

    • Discontinue Retin-A, Chemical & Laser Peels, Microdermabrasions, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), & any chemical exfoliant or "brightening" skincare at least 6 weeks prior.

    • Remove eyelash extensions one week prior to your appointment.

    • If you wear contacts, please do not wear them to your appointment & refrain from wearing them for a minimum of 24 hours after procedure is finished.

    • Do not work out 48 hours before procedure.

    • No lash tinting, lifting, perming or curling for a minimum of one week prior.

    • If you have an iron deficiency, iron supplements must be taken consistently for at least 6 weeks prior to an appointment. Continued usage after your tattoo is recommended. Low iron levels will affect both retention & longevity of microbladed brows as your body will absorb the pigment more rapidly.

    • If you are planning a vacation, I do recommend you plan your trip a minimum of 14 days before or after the procedure & be very mindful of sun exposure.

    • If you have been diagnosed with cancer or any extreme illnesses in the past, it is required for you to have been in remission for a minimum of 1 year & to have a signed note by a licensed physician in order to receive any cosmetic tattoo. The safety of my clients is my first priority.

    • Please note that sensitivity is heightened during menstrual cycles.

day of your lash line enhancement appointment:

  • Please ensure you come to the appointment hydrated & fed to ensure you're in a state of comfort for the process. Be aware that you will be laying down for long periods of time. You’re also welcome to bring headphones if you wish to zone out during the process & remember you are always welcome to request a silent appointment.

    Please arrive without mascara or eye makeup on as a clean canvas is our best starting point.

    Please attend your appointment without additional guests.

    In order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor colour deposit:

    DO NOT consume coffee, caffeine or alcohol 48 HOURS PRIOR to your service.

    DO NOT take aspirin, ibuprofen or blood thinners of any kind.

  • It is imperative to discontinue the use of lash growth serum for no less than 3 months before your appointment.

    In order to avoid excessive bleeding & poor color deposit: DO NOT consume coffee, caffeine or alcohol 48 HOURS PRIOR to your appointment.

    DO NOT take aspirin, ibuprofen or blood thinners of any kind.

after your lash line enhancement appointment:

Taking care of your new tattoo is absolutely VITAL to your healed results. Protect your investment and follow aftercare instructions thoroughly. Keep touching to a minimum and always use clean hands before handling the tattooed area. 

  • Immediately after, the treated area may feel tender and a little swollen but the discomfort should be minimal.

    The procedure site will appear darker and more bold due to the oxidation of the tattoo pigment. Intensified color, redness and swelling are part of the initial stages of healing. In fact, it is possible to experience redness and swelling up to 48 hours after the procedure. Occasionally, very thin or mature skin may experience light bruising. All of this is normal as your body heals.

    These stages of the healing process can last up to 10 days post-treatment before the intensity starts to settle. Once healed, the tattooed area will soften and lighten approximately 40%.

    As the procedure site begins to heal it can become dry, itchy, and flaky; this is natural and to be expected during the healing process. Do not pick at, scratch, itch, or pull off any of the areas that are peeling, allow the dry skin to come off naturally on its own. Picking can cause scarring and loss of pigment.

    Once the flakes have fallen off, a layer of healing skin will completely cover the area. The tattoo itself may appear very faint or as though they’ve completely disappeared. Don’t panic! This is due to regeneration of skin cells and a completely normal part of the process. Be patient, even if you think too much color has been lost your skin is still healing and naturally exfoliating at this time.

    The full healing time of 6 weeks must be allowed for the true colour of the tattoo to be visible. Once the treated area is completely healed, any changes or additions that need to be made can be done at your second session no sooner than 6 weeks later.

  • Avoid touching the area or exposing it to direct sunlight, smoke, salt water, steam & sweat. This is open skin & it should be treated carefully.

    Feel free to use a cold compress on the area to help soothe any normal inflammation or tenderness following the procedure. Use a fresh clean pillowcase to minimize bacteria and avoid sleeping on your face as much as possible.

  • Do not rub or scratch your eyes.

    Do not scrub or pick at the tattooed area. Doing so can cause the pigment underneath to be pulled out.

    If you should experience swelling, icing is most effective to soothe the area in the first 24 hours following the procedure. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated can also reduce any residual swelling.

    Do not apply makeup or mascara on or near the tattooed area for 10 days. It can be helpful to purchase new makeup or mascara to avoid contamination or bacterial infection.

    Do not wear contact lenses for 72 hours following the procedure. If possible, use a new pair when that time has elapsed.

    Do not use makeup remover or creams for two weeks.

    Avoid pools and hot tubs for two weeks.

    Sunglasses & hats are recommended to protect the eyes when outside.

    It's normal for the pigment to fade 30% within the first two weeks.

  • You may shower or bathe normally but avoid getting any soaps, shampoos or other cleansers on the treated area for the first five days as they can be detrimental to the bonding process that must take place for the pigment to stabilize in the dermis.

    Extra long, hot, steamy showers aren’t recommended during the healing process for the same reason.

    Do not soak your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly onto your brows for two weeks.

    Keep your tattoo out of the sun throughout the healing process.

    No workouts for the first week post procedure to avoid heavy sweating. Heavy sweating can cause your strokes to heal more diffused & blurred.

    No harsh scrubbing or cleansers on the tattooed area.

    No makeup or cosmetics on procedure site for the first two weeks. Cosmetics of any kind may interfere with the healing and color of your tattoo. Using cosmetics on open or healing skin may also cause infection.

    No saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, swimming pools or any bodies water for at least two weeks.

    Avoid smoke, dust, dirt, and debris for the first seven days.

    No chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser treatments, or botox for at least 30 days.

    No Vaseline, Neosporin or other petroleum based products while healing.

    No tinting the lashes for one month following the procedure.

    No application of any anti-acne products (such as but not limited to: Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Proactiv, etc.) or lightening creams such as hydroquinone to the treated area while healing.

    No anti-aging products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids as they will fade the pigment.

    *Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in poor retention of pigment & may alter the healed results of your tattoo. Each result is unique to the client & no results are guaranteed.

  • Your cosmetic tattoo is an investment & will require continued care. Think: low maintenance, not no maintenance ☻

    Exposure to the sun over time can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. It’s never a bad idea to wear large sunglasses & a hat for further protection.

    Please note that those with iron deficiency may process the pigment more rapidly. Potentially effecting the longevity of your cosmetic tattoo and requiring more frequent touch ups.

    Rinse & dry the area thoroughly when in contact with chlorine.

    If you are having laser resurfacing after your tattoo has healed, please inform the laser technician. Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area.

    When getting any procedures done to your face, please let the individual performing the service know about your microbladed brows and continue at your own discretion. I am not responsible for any changes made to your brows in its reaction to any additional services you may receive.

    No anti-aging products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, should not be applied directly to the tattooed area. Please consider using a small barrier around the tattooed area. Continued use could lighten pigment prematurely.

    Please note that having an MRI can alter the appearance of the tattoo pigment. If you are planning to have an MRI please notify your technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo.